Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
This structured substance treatment program is designed to assist high-risk/high-need adult clients who do not need detoxification or inpatient treatment.
We help develop skills that increase the stability of our clients’ behaviors, mindsets, and lives. These skills then act as the basis of a more positive and comprehensive recovery. Our program is based on recovery-oriented therapeutic techniques integrated with a 12-step orientation designed to assist participants in identifying and correcting potentially self-defeating cognitive behavioral patterns.
Medicaid Information: The program is developed and delivered in accordance with CCR 502‑1 Level II.1 (HCPCS/CPT Code H0015) with a minimum of 9 treatment-hours per week.
Therapy and Counseling
This outpatient counseling program focuses on our individualized group therapy program, especially with client diagnoses that indicate a high risk/high need classification.
While attending group therapy, clients are led to enhance their skills in establishing and maintaining a balanced lifestyle that is conducive to ongoing sobriety and recovery. The interaction between substance abuse, mental health, and criminal thinking is examined as our clients are educated and trained to identify and cope with the interpersonal processes that lead to chemical dependency.
The overall goal of the program is to stabilize the client in early recovery and assist them in preventing relapse and managing symptoms of mental illness.
The materials utilized in this program are based upon the Matrix Program© from Hazelden and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) by Dr. Marsha Linehan and Dr. Carol Moonshine.
Aftercare Options
This program can also be utilized as an aftercare program following an inpatient stay, where our program helps facilitate a more guided and stable recovery.
Sobriety Monitoring Options
Randomized or timed observed collection and certified laboratory testing results are available.
Topics and skills:
- Relapse prevention skills
- Cognitive-behavioral techniques
- Refusal skills
- Life, interpersonal, & relationship skills
- Self-regulation and stress tolerance
- Identifying triggers
- Identifying the consequences of using
- Claiming personal ownership of alcohol or drug abuse/use
- Maintaining sobriety
This 30-week program consists of 12 weeks of intensive outpatient counseling treatment (three 3‑hour therapy groups per week), followed by a minimum of 18 weeks of aftercare group sessions (3 hours, once per week).
Clients can advance into aftercare only after 60 days of full sobriety. When clinically indicated, individual sessions can be added on an as-needed basis. Family inclusion can also be considered.
Strategies for Self-Improvement and Change (SSC)
This program was designed to address issues that the substance-abusing offender presents to the treatment specialists. Through an intensive cognitive-behavioral based treatment curriculum, the interaction between substance abuse and criminal conduct is examined and the client is educated and trained in skills to identify and cope with both interpersonal processes that lead to criminal conduct and substance abuse. The purpose of this program is to stabilize the client in early recovery and assist them in preventing relapse while avoiding criminal conduct behavior. Designed by Kenneth W. Wanberg, Ph.D., and Harvey B. Milkman, Ph.D., the program consists of three discrete phases. Phase I consists of 18 sessions (36 hours), Phase II is 22 sessions (44) hours, and Phase III is 10 sessions (20 hours). Check with the group facilitator regarding enrollment opportunities.
Topics and skills:
- Phase I: Challenge to Change
- Phase II: Commitment to Change
- Phase III: Ownership to Change
This is a long term program (nine months to one year) consisting of weekly classes with each class broken down into six discrete parts: 1) rationale for session, 2) objectives for the session, 3) session content and process, 4) classroom and homework assignments, 5) outline of the presentation sequence, and 6) session and client evaluation.
This program was designed for voluntary and involuntary clients who wish to stay drug and alcohol-free. Relapse Prevention includes clients who are in their first attempt to stay sober and clients who have attempted sobriety one or several times in the past. The goal of the program is to provide a venue to talk about relapse issues and to learn new skills to prevent relapse in the future. The theoretical orientation of the group is very eclectic providing clients an opportunity to explore their relapse issues using cognitive/behavioral techniques, psychodrama techniques, and psychodynamic techniques. The therapy approach is both evidence-based and cognitive-behavioral.
Topics and skills:
- Strategies of change
- Symptoms of recovery, depression and anxiety, dual diagnosis
- Management to high-risk situations
- Stress and anger management techniques
- Co-dependency in recovery
- Grief and loss, it’s effects on recovery and how to deal with feelings
- Family issues in and out of recovery
This class has a 24-week format. Each class has a different topic and depending on the topic will include instructional and/or experiential components along with class discussion. Each class is approximately 2 hours long.
DUI/DWAIL: Stimulant Treatment Outpatient Program (STOP)
This program is designed to address the specific issues surrounding stimulant use. The Stimulant Treatment Outpatient Program (STOP) is a highly structured, interactive therapy group that is designed to stabilize the individual and to help them develop new coping mechanisms and relapse prevention skills. Although this program meets the specific needs of stimulant abusers who are involved in the criminal just system, the material is applicable to any adult who is using stimulants. This 24-week open-ended program allows flexible entry points. STOP is a research-based program and is designed to address the unique experience of the stimulant user.
Topics and skills:
- Basic education component, which provides general stimulant information, its abuse potential, its physiological/neurological effects, and current research
- Relapse prevention skills
- Cognitive-behavioral techniques
- Refusal skills training
- Interpersonal and relationship skills training
- Life skills training
This class has a 24-week format and each class combines state of the art information with experiential and written exercises designed to enhance skill development and reinforce learning. Each group length is approximately 2 hours.